About Us

Fundraising Insights is a product developed by The Data Collective.

The Data Collective has been helping charities use their data to raise more money, more effectively since 2017. In that short period of time, we’ve helped charities raise over $28M through direct mail appeals and we continue to work with charities to help identify key areas to focus for improved outcomes.

In working with our clients we’ve noticed that we’re often being asked very similar questions and more often than not, it’s comes down to, is our measure good, bad or ugly. It’s from this observation we’ve decided to put together a product that aims to help answer these questions to a broader cross section of the charitable sector.

Our goal is to provide timely insights that help fundraisers develop their strategic plans. We hope you’ll join us on this journey of discovery.

Who we are:

Dan Wilson

Dan has been working with data for over 20 years across FMCG, Sales, Marketing & Not-for-profit. In 2012, he switched from the for-profit sector to the not-for-profit sector working at Pareto Fundraising where he was Data Insights Manager responsible for delivering analytics projects for clients and refining the Pareto Benchmarking product. After several years Dan ventured out creating The Data Collective and has had the privilege of working on a range of projects and individual giving programs for some exceptional charities.

When he’s not working you’ll find him riding bikes, hiking, taking his kids camping, or checking the back of food packets to see to make sure they don’t contain animal products. His family is also helping to raise an Assistance Dog for Assistance Dogs Australia named Midnite.

Dr Dan Kennedy

Dr Dan has PhD in statistics and brings a strong complement of skills to the Data Collective adding a level of statistical rigour to analysis projects. He’s worked as a lecturer, statistician, and researcher for Quensland University of Technology.

When he’s not working he enjoys gardening & permaculture, playing piano, cooking and watching too much sci-fi. He also takes time to care for his needy cat.